Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

arteria carotis interna (par)

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Top level systema cardiovasculare Short Extended
Level 2 systema arteriosum cerebrospinale Short Extended
Current level arteria carotis interna (par) Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
3947 3898 tax
arteria carotis interna (par); arteria carotica interna (par)
artère carotide interne (paire)
49815 3899 tax
partie cervicale (paire) ; segment C1 (paire)
49816 3901 tax
partie pétreuse (paire) ; segment C2 (paire)
8954 tax
partie déchirée (paire) ; segment C3 (paire)
49817 3904 tax
partie caverneuse (paire) ; segment C4 (paire)
321652 8973 tax
partie clinoïdienne (paire) ; segment C5 (paire)
49824 3912 tax
pars cerebralis (par) ; segmentum C6 (par)
partie cérébrale (paire) ; segment C6 (paire)
67617 3919 tax
ramus meningeus (par)
rameau méningé (paire)
49868 3913 tax
artère ophtalmique (paire)
8974 tax
rami perforantes (par)
rameaux perforants (paire)
8975 tax
rami chiasmatici (par)
rameaux chiasmatiques (paire)
8976 tax
rami nervi optici (par)
rameaux du nerf optique (paire)
8977 tax
rami tractus optici (par)
rameaux de la voie optique (paire)
8978 tax
pars communicans (par) ; segmentum C7 (par)
partie communicante (paire) ; segment C7 (paire)
50084 3915 tax
arteria communicans posterior
artère communicante postérieure
49849 3914 tax
arteria hypophysialis superior (par)
artère hypophysaire supérieure (paire)
8979 tax
rami perforantes (par)
rameaux perforants (paire)
8980 tax
rami tractus optici (par)
rameaux de la voie optique (paire)
8981 tax
ramus corticalis (par)
rameau cortical (paire)
50090 3917 tax
arteria uncalis partis communicantis (par)
artère uncale de la partie communicante (paire)
50087 3916 tax
artère choroïdienne antérieure (paire)
50028 3968 tax
artère cérébrale antérieure (paire)
50109 3920 tax
sipho caroticus (par)
siphon carotidien (paire)
23 lines
65.2 %
73.9 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
For the Arteria carotis interna (Internal carotid artery or ICA, the subdivision into C1-C4 segments (Gibo et al. 1981 J Neurosurg 55:560-574) is replaced by the more recent Bouthillier subdivision into C1-C7 (Bouthillier A, van Loveren HR, Keller JT 1996 Segments of the internal carotid artery: A new classification. Neurosurgery 38:425-433). Main differences are: - the Pars lacera (Segmentum C3) is a short segment that begins above the Foramen lacerum and ends at the Ligamentum petrolinguale. The new Segments C2 and C3 cover the old Segment C2; - the Pars cavernosa is the new Segmentum C4; - the Segments C5-C7 comprise the Pars cerebralis (C4) of the Gibo/TA subdivision: the Pars clinoidea (Segmentum C5) is a borderline segment extending between dural rings, by definition never intradural, often surrounded by a venous collar (a protrusion of the Cavernous sinus), the Pars ophthalmica is Segmentum C6, and the Pars communicans Segmentum C7.
The Sipho caroticus (Carotid siphon), described by Moniz in 1927, is not well-defined. It covers the C4-C5/C6 segments (see Sanders-Taylor C, Kurbanov A, Cebula H, Leach JL, Zuccarello M, Keller JT 2014 The carotid siphon: A historic radiographic sign, not an anatomic classification. World Neurosurg 82:423-427).
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 3898
Sublist 1 3899 pars cervicalis arteriae carotis internae 8/3 on 8.4.2018
Sublist 2 3901 pars petrosa arteriae carotis internae 17/6 on 8.4.2018
Sublist 3 3904 pars cavernosa arteriae carotis internae 74/25 on 8.4.2018
Sublist 4 3913 arteria ophtalmica 116/39 on 19.5.2020
Sublist 5 3916 arteria choroidea anterior 82/28 on 19.7.2019
Sublist 6 3968 arteria cerebri anterior 114/39 on 22.7.2019
Sublist 7 8954 pars lacera arteriae carotis internae 2/1 on 8.4.2018
Sublist 8 8973 pars clinoidea arteriae carotis internae 2/1 on 8.4.2018
Subtotals subchildren 415 subunits 142
Proper children 50
Number of children 465 (validated)
Proper units 15
Number of units 157 (validated)
Signature 1403 (validated since 26.12.2021)
Date: 24.01.2025